What is the difference between electric feeder and pneumatic feeder?

What is the difference between electric feeder and pneumatic feeder?

What is the difference between electric and pneumatic? Reading What is the difference between electric feeder and pneumatic feeder? 2 minutes Next Miniature Automatic Insertion Machine

Whats the SMT feeder?


In the Surface Mount Technology (SMT) pick and place machines, a "feeder" refers to the component feeder, and it is responsible for supplying electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, and integrated circuits, to the pick and place head of the SMT machine. The pick and place head then accurately picks up these components and places them onto the circuit board according to the programmed design.


SMT Feeder types


There are two main types feeders, electric feeder and pneumatic feeder. Both feeders have own advantages, and play a crucial role in the automated assembly process. In the post, we will compare the main differences between electric and pneumatic feeders to help you make your right decision for your SMT pick and place machine.

 difference of electric feeder and pneumatic feeder


Pneumatic feeder can provide a higher speed, but electric feeder provide the most precise control since air and fluid pressure are more difficult to control than electricity. The choice between electric and pneumatic feeders for SMT pick and place machines depends on factors such as the required precision, speed, maintenance considerations, and the specific requirements of the assembly process. Some SMT machines may use a combination of both types of feeders to optimize performance for different components and assembly stages.